Social Innovation Programme for Products:
Affordable & Relevant to Societal Health (SPARSH) of BIRAC


The scheme aims to invest in ideas and innovations that improve the health care of all Indians and provide affordable product development in the social sector. The social innovators identified under the Program will be supported in developing market‐based solutions that have the potential to bring healthcare breakthroughs to vulnerable populations. The focus of the first Call of SPARSH was on Maternal and Child Health. It aims to foster biotechnology in national priority areas such as Maternal & Child Health (MCH).

SPARSH Program


🔬 Identify and support cutting-edge innovations towards affordable product development that can bring significant social impact and address challenges of inclusive growth

🌍 Provide support in the form of impact funding of biotech product innovations (with social goals) that can be scaled

💡 Create and foster a pool of social innovators in biotech and provide a platform to share best practices, and understand the intricacies of business models in social innovation and network.

Learn More About SPARSH

📄 Read More (PDF)
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